Thursday, November 26, 2009

Stupid In Love Part 4.

Okay okay! Part 4,  much anticipation eyy?;p

Here you go! <3


When I came back up to check on my phoneS, emphasis on the “s”, I found a text from A7med.

Galbii 6a7 ib 9irwalii..


“Shloun it3arfeen my cousin?” it read

oh shit oh shit! Shagoul? I asked myself, I thought of calling Jawa but then again said no, I can handle this, because well, Jawa was most likely sleeping..

“Mara he called Jawa o0 I picked up la2na her phone was with me, o0 I thought kan fee shay so I added him o0 we talk 3adii.. Why?” I replied

Allah yastir..

“La bes as2el” He replied

Ashwa 3adat 3ala 5air!

After my phone charged, sa2elt oboy itha agdar anazil il jet ski, o0 he said it was fine, since it was still summer:p

I had my fun, good thing about where our shailih is, mako a7ed.. kil ilee yamna nas san3een, so it was safe! 6ala3t il jet ski o0 ri7t atsabe7, when I got out of the shower, I locked my bedroom door and checked my “private” phone.



It read

NA9ER?! I asked, NA9ER!!!!! HE TEXTED!!!! I was sooo psyched! I started jumping around!

“Heyy(:” I texted back

Suddenly, my phone starts vibrating. I look down to find the same number calling.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

That would be the first time I’d talk to him from my phone..

Pick up or not? I asked myself, I decided not to, instead I texted him and said;

“sorry, I’m still at home, call me in 10 minutes;$”



I quickly got dressed and went outside.

I walked until I got to barandat 3amii, I sat there o0 started listening to music from my iPhone, iPod and phone in one, PERFECT;)

I was listening to Silly Boy by Rihanna and featuring Lady GaGa when my ring tone started blasting in my ear instead of Silly Boys’ lyrics. I look down..


His number glowed.

And a smile crept up on my cheeks, and I touched answer.

“Aloo?” I said

“Hiii” He said, and his voice gave me butterflies, his voice rough, not as much as A7med, bes manly for his age..

“Heyy” I said

“How are you?” He asked

“Good good, you?” I answered

“Good.. 5alouuuud! Rou7 shoufa hatha! Bidish bil 3amoud!!! Hahahahahaa!!” I heard

and I started giggling to myself

“Sorry, I’m with my friends and one of them got this little motorcycle and we’re driving it around” He said

“Ahaha, it’s okay” I laughed

“Hold on hold on, hach 5aloud, I’m going to drive for a bit” He told me

“Ahahahaha! Okay” I said

“Aloo?” 5alid said

“Aloo..” I said

“Hiiiiiiiiiiiii!” He said in silly English accent

“Ahaha, hii” I said

“How are you?” He said in that same silly accent

“Ahaha, good, you?”  I asked

“Zain zain il 7imdella! Mata7achain 3arabiiiii?!” He asked

“Ahaha, emballah, at7acha 3arabi” I said

“Eee zain! Ta7achay 3arabiii!” He told me

“Inzain” I laughed

I heard Na9er’s voice,

“3a6nii 5aloud” and he laughed

“Hii, sorry, ahaha” he laughed

“La 3adii” I said

I heard him saying stuff to his friends, and then he called 5alid over.

“Abeech tismi3een 5aloud wihwa yit7acha ma9rii!” He laughed

“Ahahaha! Okay” I laughed

“Tikfa 7achha ma9rii!” Na9er told 5alid

“Inzain, 3a6nii” 5alid told Na9er and took the phone from him

Il waled gam yar6in ma9rii, and all I could do was giggle and laugh!

“2oulii 7aga!” He would say and I’d burst into more laughter, and in the background Na9er was laughing too, ya rabii, his laugh..

His laugh, I wish I could remember it now, but I don’t.. I remember how it would make a smile spread on my face.. It made my darkest days brighter, now it’s like I’ll never hear ‘em again..

Na9er took the phone from 5alid and laughed,

“China ma9rii haa?!” He laughed


“Maisa?” I heard from behind me


I know it’s not long! But it’s all I can do for now;$ I’m sorryyy! I love you!

3eedkum imbarak 7abaybii! :*




  1. MNOO MNOO :(
    Laykon My anonymous, I mean a7med:p. OPPS.
    Another amazing post, I laughed at Khalood YWANIS!

    Post soon;* and ayamich s3eeda;***

    -ZARH bs min kithr 7ubi 7ag Anonymous I enter his account haha;p.

  2. yalla yalla nabyy post thany pls ;P
